
Dr. Linda Friedland

3 Ways to Balance Insulin Levels

Linda Friedland NutritionOriginally posted on Scientists have long dreamed of the day when they would discover that single agent within the human body that causes many of the illnesses that afflict and kill us. With such knowledge, we could transform the source of disease, restore the body’s biochemical balance and, thus, prevent heart disease, many cancers, diabetes, and obesity. We might even prevent serious degenerative brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as conditions that afflict children, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD). Such knowledge could one day form the basis for effective treatments for these conditions. The good...
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Dr. Linda Friedland

Can Indulgences be Healthy?

Linda Friedland NutritionOriginally posted on Somehow, we have the idea deeply engrained in our culture that pleasure is a bad thing – especially when it relates to our health. If it feels good, feel bad about it! Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher from the 300s B.C., spoke out openly on ‘the power of pleasure’. As you might have guessed, Epicurus and his followers were strongly criticized, especially by religious leaders, for degrading human nature. Today, it’s not only the religious authorities telling us to deny ourselves earthly pleasures, but also health experts. We find ourselves in the midst of the festive season, feeling...
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Dr. Linda Friedland

Super Festive Superfoods for the Holidays

Linda Friedland NutritionOriginally posted on Food is meant to be celebrated! Since ancient times, food has been a gift from the earth bursting with super-nutrients and delicious flavors. The traditional calendar indicated that celebrations, such as harvest festivals and seasonal merriments, were in-tune with spring equinoxes and summer solstices. People would feast on what the earth had given them – produce that was in season, local and fresh. The festive season right now is no different. It should be a time of fun and family, and with that comes delicious food. However, we have somehow equated ‘delicious’ with processed, high fat,...
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Dr. Linda Friedland

5 Ways to Eliminate Excess Weight and Beat Obesity for Good!

Linda Friedland NutritionOriginally posted on If you’re carrying excess weight, it’s likely that, thus far, nothing long-lasting has worked for you. Which diets have you tried? Master Cleanse, Atkins, Dukan? What about the cabbage soup or grapefruit diets? Low carb, high protein, or paleo diets? The list goes on and on. Sure, you’ve lost weight initially, but no sooner have you achieved your goals that the weight is piling on again – and quickly! On the bright side, you’re not alone. Obesity is a global epidemic. In the United States, more than 60 percent of the population is overweight or obese,...
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Sugar & ageing

Dr. Linda Friedland NutritionYou’ve ditched your chocolate bar and coke snack. You choose the organic energy bar and a five- fruit smoothie and feel assured that your sugar intake is low. But you are wrong. The average adult in Australia is eating thirty one teaspoons of sugar each day, almost three times that recommended by the National Australian Dietary Guidelines. Australian teenagers in particular are devouring a daily dose of almost fifty teaspoons of the white stuff.  Those of us confident in our healthy food choices are not off the hook. Although naturally occurring sugar in our healthier foods is much better than...
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